Archive | Communication

posts related to communication in schools

Welcome Back To School

Welcome back to the start of another year here at Today In School. This year I want to bring a different voice to the blog. Last semester and over the summer, we focused primarily on the big picture or educational hot topics. This year I’m sure we’ll keep up with current research, educational reform and […]

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The Magic of a Dynamic Teacher

I love watching TED Talks. It really doesn’t matter the topic. I could listen to a programmer speak about a technology I have never heard about and still be completely inspired by the presentation. However, ten minutes later I remember I know very little about microprocessors and will likely never use the information again. That’s […]

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Lessons Through Song

I grew up watching and listening to School House Rock. When I first started teaching my freshmen English class I often made mention of the songs, or quoted memorable lines from Conjunction Junction, Busy Prepositions, or Verb: That’s What’s Happening. Not all of these were classic hits but they were subject matter relevant. I thought these […]

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Why I Love My Job: The Lip Dub

These past few weeks have been the perfect storm of special activities and extra curricular involvement at my school. There have been countless days where I have been asked to tackle tasks outside the scope of my job description. There have been nights where I have been called upon to pick up extra duties. State testing, […]

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